Personality Disorders

Description of the Diagnosis/Issue

Personality Disorders are often thought of as the most difficult to treat, as it is defined as a rigid and unhealthy way of thinking, behaving, and functioning within the world. There are several different types; the most common are Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Dependent Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is often characterized by ‘push-pull’ Behavioral Patterns in their Interpersonal Relationships, i.e., the person with BPD gets angry at you for a perceived wrong doing and when you react by giving them what they say they want, i.e., you leaving (push), they then attempt to ‘pull’ you back in byway of Manipulation and Charm, i.e., Self-Harming Behaviors to make one feel sorry for them, professing undying love, etc. They will Idealize and shower you with compliments/gifts one minute then quickly turn and Humiliate and Degrade you the next.

Types of Treatment Modalities/ Interventions

Treatment for Personality Disorders is often difficult and very challenging, as they do not respond to Medication as other Mental Health Disorders do. For Therapy to work the person Diagnosed with a Personality Disorder needs to agree that they need to learn a different way to interact with others. However, they quickly flee Therapy and move on to the next Therapist and this Behavior and toxic cycle usually continues with each Therapist they see. Unfortunately, this Pattern bleeds into their Interpersonal Relationships creating Conflict and Drama and sadly this toxic cycle brings them a sense of gratification. With limited Treatment options available, the best Treatment for Personality Disorders is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) as both treat the underlying distorted thoughts of a person with a Personality Disorder.